- Advice on business setup R sq
Where do you begin when you want to setup a business? With us! We will take you through insurance cover, business bank account, accounting, best legal structure for your business, and so forth.
- Advice and Assistance with regards to ideal tax Structure setup R sq
Confused about the many legalities regarding tax? Not sure if you are doing it right and could face a hefty fine? Not sure if you are maximising your tax structure? Chat to the experts and rest assured.
- Prepare Shareholder Agreement with Loan Equalisation Sections etc R sq
Have an expertly, legal, Shareholder agreement written up. Avoid the DIY agreements and let a qualified professional that ensures the company and shareholders are adequately protected and comprehensively so.
- Monthly Bookkeeping and/or Payroll R sq
Ensure your bookkeeping and payroll is done by qualified staff with many years of experience, overseen by a Chartered Accountant. Suitable for all types and sizes of businesses.
- Monthly Submission of Statutory Returns R sq
Monthly, Bi-Monthly and Six-monthly returns to SARS, Employee Tax, Half Yearly Provisional Tax return, and many others. We ensure its done right and on time. Including PAYE, UIF, SDL & Bi-Monthly VAT Returns below R 30m Turnover & Bi-Annual PAYE Reconciliations
- Monthly Management Reports R sq
For any business growth, analysis and feedback is integral, and management reports provide a snapshot of the performance data of your business, making it easy to track and monitor your growth trajectory.
- Business Consulting Advice and Keeping Business on Track R sq
Providing industry-wide expert knowledge and analysis to keep you on track
- Advice on Asset Financing R sq
Advice on loan and financing options ensuring you chose the best option for your unique business.
- Tax-Structuring the business and Personnel Salary Packages R sq
Ensuring the most legally compliant, and efficient, tax structure is chosen. Taking advantage of the latest government incentives and tax options. Saving you and your staff money legally.
- Completing Financial Statements for various purposes R sq
Accurately and trustworthy financial statements are an integral part of ensuring you have a healthy, sustainable, business.
- Submitting Tax Returns R sq
For Personal, Company and Provisional - Never miss a deadline again! Accurate and on-time tax returns are a must.
- Audit of Annual Financial Statements and other agreed upon procedure R sq
For Personal, Company and Provisional - We go beyond just auditing and will collaborate and offer insightful council with you to agree upon the next steps based on your unique company.
- Sale of Business Advice and Tax-structuring the deal R sq
Looking to sell your business but unsure where to begin? What about tax-structures? We’ve got it covered and will advise you each step of the way .
- Valuations R sq
Incorrect valuations can lead to costly mistakes. Don’t take a chance and ensure a professional does this for you.
- Conflict Resolution and Mediation R sq
Ensuring a positive and healthy work climate makes business sense and we can assist you with any difficulties you are having.
- Retirement and Estate Planning R sq
Unfortunately this is overlooked by most South Africans for more current issues at hand. We ensure this salient aspect of your lifelong work get the required attention and expertise it deserves.